Our npm namespace has changed. Developers should update their projects to continue accessing our components.

Ontario Design System

Design and coding standards to help you build digital products for the Ontario government.


A design system is a collection of building blocks for designing and developing websites and apps.

The Ontario Design System includes things like buttons, navigation and form fields — and defines how they should look and behave.

The design system helps you create Government of Ontario products that:

  • look consistent
  • align with the Ontario brand
  • use tried-and-tested code
  • are accessible

Connect with us

Join our drop-in sessions to talk shop or get help. You can also read our blog.

Get started

For designers

If you’re creating mockups and prototypes, get the Ontario Design System fonts and prototyping kit.

For developers

If you’re coding the website, learn how to install the distribution package and create custom components.

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch